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Core 101:

First Year Seminar

This seminar introduces students to the Christian liberal arts by engaging enduring questions in a theologically informed way. Common material will include essential biblical and theological content that grounds investigation of enduring questions, the liberal arts, vocation, and character formation.

BITH 111:

Gospel, Church, and Culture

This course provides an introduction to the Christian faith and the evangelical Protestant heritage. It gives special attention to the church’s engagement with culture and society as well as to the exploration of the integration of faith and learning within a Christian liberal arts context.

BITH 315:

Christian Thought

An investigation into the basic beliefs of the Christian faith.

BITH 374:

Systematic Theology

A critical investigation of Christian doctrine. The course is open only to Biblical and Theological Studies and Philosophy majors.

BITH 377:

Contemporary Theology

This course is an in-depth treatment of some theological category or the application of Christian thought to contemporary issues.

BITH 385:

Triune God

An overview of the doctrine of God, with particular attention to the doctrine of the Trinity. Both traditional formulations and contemporary contributions are discussed.

BITH 391:


A study of the doctrine of salvation with a view to a consideration of the connection between election, incarnation, atonement, justification, and sanctification with a view toward providing a dogmatic understanding of forgiveness, justice, and hope.

BITH 392:


A study of the doctrine of Scripture.

BITH 398:

Eastern Orthodox Theology

An introduction to Eastern Orthodox theology and practice. The course will also attend to points of similarity and difference between Eastern Orthodox and Protestant theology.

BITH 399:

Readings in Orthodox Theology

An in-depth treatment of a particular author, doctrine, or issue from within the Eastern Orthodox theological tradition.

BITH 484/558:


A critical analysis of Thomas Aquinas’ theology in historical context.

BITH 486:


A critical analysis of John Calvin’s theology in historical context.

BITH 488/558:


A critical analysis of Karl Barth’s theology in historical context.

BITH 565:

Christian Theology

An introduction to the methods of systematic theology and the major topics within the biblical revelation. Special attention is given to the rationale for these Christian doctrines, their systematic interconnections as well as their development within the history of Christian thought, and their contemporary challenges.

BITH 656:

Modern Theology

An examination of theological developments from the Enlightenment to the present, focusing on key figures representing nineteenth-century German liberalism, neo-orthodoxy, post-Vatican II Catholicism, liberation, and postmodern theology.

BITH 675:

Nature and Grace

An in-depth examination of debates within Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and the Protestant tradition concerning the relationship between nature and grace. Both historical and contemporary texts will be discussed.

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